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New Research Shows Full-Fat Dairy is Better for You

If you have a fridge full of fat-free yogurts and skim milk, listen up. New research shows full-fat milk and yogurt may actually be better for you.

“Those who had two servings of full-fat dairy per day were less likely to have a heart attack or stroke and lived longer than people who didn’t.”

Many families choose skim milk and low fat yogurt, thinking it’s the healthiest decision, but a fascinating study published in September 2018 in The Lancet followed over 130,000 people in 21 countries, tracking their food choices for nine years. Those who had two servings of full-fat dairy per day were less likely to have a heart attack or stroke and lived longer than people who didn’t. When you and your family eat or drink full-fat dairy you are nourishing your bodies with essential nutrients – amino acids, vitamin k, magnesium and calcium of course. Fifty percent of kids over 9 years old aren’t getting enough calcium. Dairy is the easiest way to help them get the nutrients they need.

“If full fat dairy is the best choice, then think of 100% grass-fed organic as the best of the best.”

When choosing dairy for your family, the gold standard is 100% grass-fed organic. Cows that live on conventional operations and make 99% of the milk in the USA eat a diet of mostly corn and grain. Cows have evolved over millions of years to eat grass. Cows that eat their natural diet of only grass are healthier and live 2-3 times longer, as well as produce milk that is higher in nutrients. Maple Hill cows are not only 100% grass-fed but also organic (no GMOS, hormones or pesticides allowed in production) and they provide the gold standard of milk with more omega 3s and beta carotene. If full fat dairy is the best choice, then think of 100% grass-fed organic as the best of the best.


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